Sunday, July 26, 2009

Tour de France and Adios Amigos y Amigas

A fitting way to end not only the " Tour de France but also this enjoyable 12 day "RidingRoubaix" chronicle. May the road rise up to meet you! SpokedNsf

Friday, July 24, 2009

When is fog a good thing for an excuse?

You know the old rain, shine and sleet adage about the USPS delivery?
Ever thought why fog wasn't ever added? Probably someone didn't want to impact the "mail must go through" promise due to impaired visibility.
Well inquiring minds may want to know what's this observation got to do with riding a bike??
Well at the risk of coming off high maintenance or particular, SpokedNSF found a way to not blog yesterday and now not ride 2 days in a row. I blame it all on the fog and drizzle... or is it really Procrastination? Hmmm!
Well if this novice ever expects to join the ranks of the "True and Seasoned Riders" (and Daily Bloggers), then the Roubaix and I gotta deal with climate, come rain or shine or fog.....unless of course San Francisco gets a typhoon.
Therefore, I will make it my duty to aspire to the fortitude and lack of procrastination of the Mail Persons daily duty (except on Sunday) and ride (write) on at least through tommorow's class!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

To Ride or Not to Ride

As the seemingly permanent San Francisco summer fog clouds my vision (in my mind's eye) and cools down Market Street like it's Winter, it's decision time. Does this Rider go for it and take the Roubaix to evening class at the downtown campus location of SFSU? If not only to introduce Rider and Bike to the Class and Intsructor (extra credit you know), but to put to rest my wariness to park and double lock a tasty morsel of a Bike, in a heavy duty "pedestrian" - oriented area (...being "urbanely" polite).
Hmmmm - on second thought this novice is not quite there yet, so it's off to MUNI tonight. However SpokedNSF is determined and resolved to ride out and implement the next big "Lock the Bike in Downtown" step.
See you at Class!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

It's all about the Tire Pressure and Body Geometry

Yesterday's anticipated BG experience caused a proverbial bump for the RidingRoubaix road, aka daily blog. To mitigate the lack of a daily update for RidingRoubaix followers, SpokedNSF will humbly combine 7/20 and 7/21 updates for your reading pleasure!

It's overwhelming just how much information and technology a cyclist must retain and/or be aware of, even if they aren't a Sprinter or a distance Pro on the Tour de France. But before any ride, never forget common sense... when it comes to checking your tire pressure and travelling with a pump/patch kit , especially when you are riding to the Bike Shop that will administer the Body Geometry Fitting to your bike
Oops is not a word to describe my 1st blow out and subsequent walking/carrying (not riding) to the SF SOMA destination! Feeling silly and some what out of sorts, fortunately didn't phase the Shop staff or the BG technician, but lesson learned and no major damage done to the wheels (just to the pride). Once prepped (and pumped up) for the BG Fitting, the Roubaix and I were treated to seat(saddle), frame, braking/handle bar and pedal alignment adjustments, as proscribed by both the BG technician and the maker of the Roubaix Comp, in this case Specialized.
The idea of a "Fitting" seems very indulgent , but let me tell you the adjustments made were major riding comfort improvements, both physiologically and technologically(and p.s. I paid for it with the bike purchase). For this novice'n' training, to become a better rider, it's all about comfort and body alignment on the road, whether it's in the City or in Sonoma.
I expect to go back in another month for a BG Check Up, so for now it's back on the Roubaix, with correct tire pressure, to bring you the next installment.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Time Out

Always socially responsible and of course respectful for the 7th day, SpokednSF is complying with Sunday directives. Not only my calves will be thankful, but also the Roubaix will be grateful to avoid the Symphony in the Park craziness on the surrounding streets of Dolores Park!
New Ride is on for tomorrow. And of course a the recap of our Specialized BG experience!
Bike Fittings are a beautiful thing....

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Night Rider in SOMA

Well there comes a time for any novice, where the forces of darkness must be faced.
In this case for SpokednSF, last night was when the Roubaix met the streets of San Francisco in the dark with Planet Blinkies Aft and Fore.
It was an all inclusive 1st adventure, considering my tour of darkness was a Friday night in SOMA and the Mission.
In an Car, driving casually and looking for the sweet parking spot , the driver has no idea what diversity, music, clubiness and shabby chicness a night bike ride offers. As a cyclist with a Bike Lane you literally are swept away with the enviroment. Very Engaging!!
Also Believe or Not the Car&Driver peeps, at night , are way more friendly and courteous than the Bar groupies.. especially at stoplights. (It was probably my Lime Neon windbreaker blinding their eyes to cause such epithets! - or more likely it was my chosen route on Valencia?!)
At least the Roubaix and I made it home safe and sound to eagerly await our Specialized BG (Body Geometry)fitting on Monday! This novice will be in even more perfect form for the next Night Ride. Stay tuned up!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Learning to Blog and Ride a Bike at the same time.

Not only is cycling a new experience, but so is blogging and the technology to do so.
Consequently RidingRoubaix not only missed a day of the blog (7/16) but also day of my riding experience.
Expect to have the balancing act figured out for the next posting later today - so stay tuned!